16 Aug GMS industrial Estate
Designing a Blue-Green Infrastructure (BGI) Network: Toward Water-Sensitive Urban Growth Planning in Dhaka, Bangladesh
GMS industrial estate, located at Savar is a privately owned industrial area having unique characteristics in both its spatial organization and productive nature. GMS group, one of the leading composite knitting industries of Bangladesh, decided to venture out its production aptitude into alternative green and clean industries along with its traditional production facilities. In doing so, the group decided to allocate 11.78 acre of land to be developed as an industrial area that would resonate the idea of green and clean production methods in the spatial organization and functionality of the masterplan. The area will have factories ranging from plastic recycling to traditional jute processing industry to many other of similar alternative nature.
Our idea therefore to cradle the client’s vision, originated in a manner to initially structure an area that embodies different strategies to compliment the nature of the production facilities. We therefore started with the idea of Biophilic architecture, extensive rain water harvesting and reusing it, extensive use of solar energy to minimize the consumption of electricity, extensive use of locally available vegetation in strategic locations to reduce the heat island effect of the otherwise asphalt built surfaces etc. The idea was to create a green corridor in the masterplan that would house all these green and clean strategies, along with uninterrupted pedestrian walkways along its course to create a pleasant environment inside an absolutely machine like production zone.
In the scenario of the global working landscape, it is found that around 47% of the global workforce does not have any natural light and 58% have no contact with plants/nature in their work environment. Similarly, in another study done by ISS, a leading workplace experience and facility management company, it showed that 32% of worker having green in their work environment feel much inspired to go to their work place every day in contrary to the ones that don’t have such facilities and feel much anxious every day.
We intended to bring out strategies through and through that would create an environment which reminds a visitor or a worker being in an area that accommodates production and nature in a balanced proportion. The moment the worker gets out of the factory, he immediately steps into an oasis of lush green and water ultimately creating a healthy work environment as a corroborative addition to the production facilities